What is reflexology?
Reflexology is a concentrated massage of the feet, hands, or ears.
You know how your car battery cables can get corrosion around them. The same thing
Can happen to your nerve endings. Pushing and massaging points on the feet, hands or ears (reflexology),
breaks up the lactic acid build up (corrosion) around the nerve endings,
so the body can flush it away through the lymphatic system.
Removing build up, removes stagnation, allowing all systems to flow at a higher potential.
Because of this, everything internally benefits.
Think About it. There are over 7000 nerve endings that terminate at your feet, hands & ears.
Reflexology helps the body raise it’s own vitality.
Some of the many benefits of Reflexology are:
*Benefits balance and coordination
*Reduction in blood pressure
*Reduced daytime sleepiness
*Increased blood circulation
*Improved perceptions
*Reduced pain levels
*Aids in digestion
Interactive chart