“We used to think that life came from a chemical soup.
Now we know that unless there is an electrical charge there is no life. Life then, is electrical.” -Dr. Valerie Hunt, Prof Emeritus Dept of Physiological Science, UCLA White cells kill bacteria and pathogenic fungi by electrocuting them. Discovered by Jacques Schrenzel and Karl Heinz Krause, Geneva University Hospital, Switzerland, this defense mechanism is triggered as soon as receptors of the white cell detect the microbe’s presence. (Translated from Science & Vie, #972, September, 1998 pg 44.) Biophotons – The light in our cells. The following is material from: www.transpersonal.de/mbischof/englisch/webbookeng.htm Biophotons are weak electromagnetic waves in the optical range of the spectrum - in other words: light. All living cells of plants, animals and human beings emit biophotons which cannot be seen by the naked eye but can be measured by special equipment. A human body is a living system in which each organ and body tissue are in a constant vibration. Referring to vibration implies the fact that every cell in the body undergoes nutrient-waste exchange, no matter in what state the body is in. Whether sleeping, walking, talking, or running, cells inside the body are always in action keeping them in constant vibration. Using complex reactions inside the cell a small organelle called the mitochondrion produces energy. This life energy is then used for everyday processes in the body including muscle and organ function. Mitochondria are also referred to as the power plants of a cell. Different types of cells have a different quantity of these organelles. Biophoton emit a far infrared wave that corresponds to the vibration frequency of cells and stimulate mitochondria to produce more energy. Once the energy level of a cell is increased, the metabolic rate of the cell begins to rise and this, results in cell function regeneration. The discovery of biophoton emission also lends scientific support to some unconventional methods of healing based on concepts of homeostasis. (self-regulation of the organism) The emission of biophotons from humans affect other humans. The emission of the Biophoton waves is especially concentrated in the palms of the hands. Placing your hands on another person starts an automatic reaction of energy transfer. An Energy Therapist actually uses their body as a tool to increase the flow of energy in the other person. Cells that need an energy boost will draw the energy to it and react by increasing its frequency to match the other energy. The energy will simple pass through the cells that don’t need help. A therapist activates the “circuit points” in the body with light touch. Certified Energy Therapists are trained to increase the level of their emissions for optimal affects on their clients. Biophotons work on a cellular level in your body, dealing with an illness at its base. Therefore biophotons can help with any illness or disease, working at the base of the problem on a cellular level. Here are a few mechanisms biophotons employ: Resonance - A healthy cell has a specific operating frequency. As viruses, bacteria and disease begin to degrade cell function, its operating frequency decreases. Biophotons activate the native operational frequencies of healthy cells, slowly returning degraded cells to their healthy state, leading to recovery. Biophotons heat the intracellular water (cytosol) and raise the temperature inside the cell. This improves cell function and enhances nutrient exchange. Energy Replenishment - Biophotons provide energy to every cell in the body region to which they are applied. A poorly functioning cell has a low rate of metabolism and is energetically drained. Biophotons replenish energy to your body.
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Janet Tarr Moore, B,Msc