LED Light Therapy
LED therapy is a non-invasive procedure that activates skin cells with non-thermal light energy. LED therapy converts light energy to metabolic energy within the skin cells, like photosynthesis, which takes sunlight and converts it into food energy in plants. Laboratory studies have shown that skin cells grow 150-200 percent faster when exposed to certain LED light wavelengths. Independent research for over 40 years has shown LED red and infrared light delivers powerful therapeutic benefits to living tissue. We can feel the colors Color is energy. Every color has its own wavelength and frequency. As a result, we perceive color not only visually, but absorbing it subconsciously through our skin. When penetrating into our body, color produces chemical reactions that affect the function of various organs and systems. Color helps our skin “tissues” and organs to stock up on energy thus increasing the body’s resistance. This newly charged energy gives us strength to fight against disease. |
At the central core of our body spin seven main wheel-like energy centers called Chakras. Chakras have the ability to receive, assimilate and transmit energy.Each chakra is a vortex, spinning life-force energy into or out of the body. In fact, the word chakra is from the Sanskrit word meaning "wheel of light". There are 7 major chakras connected to and a part of the physical body. All are located on the torso and head. Each chakra transmits and receives life-force energy often called "qi" (pronounced "chi"), "prana", or "universal intelligence". When we are in a state in ill health, the chakras may be distorted, out of alignment or even stagnant. When this happens, life force energy cannot flow in and out freely and the physical body may suffer. Stress, inability to express emotions, over emotional expression, beliefs incongruent with Truth, disconnection from a higher power, unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, exposure to toxicity, etc. can cause the chakra system to close down. |